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Pros and Cons of Cordless Screwdrivers and How to Choose the Right One

These cordless screwdrivers perform the same functions as the traditional ones but they both differentiate in the sources from which they draw power. The manual screwdrivers draw energy from the force applied to it by the worker while cordless screwdrivers draw energy from electric current. In the assembly line such screwdrivers are becoming increasingly popular due to their better functionality, productivity and cost effectiveness etc. Bosch IXO V cordless screwdriver is a good choice if you are looking for a high quality and durable cordless screwdriver. We will now take a look at their advantages and disadvantages.


·    Cordless screwdrivers are highly compact. These are lightweight and small therefore can be carried anywhere and also fit in hard to reach spaces.

·      Cordless screwdrivers are cost effective. They are the least expensive of all the power tools and are also convenient providing many benefits.

·         Cordless screw drivers like Bosch IXO V cordless screwdrivers come with various bits. So you can change the bits easily according to the application.

·      These tools are highly convenient because of their shape, they can be held easily and worked with these are also very fast so work gets done faster than usual.


·    One disadvantage of these cordless screwdrivers is that they do not have jawed chucks. Jawed chucks make it easy to remove and install new bits. But since cordless screwdrivers do not have these you can only put bits with hex straight into by using an adapter.

·     These tools are used for mostly lightweight jobs like driving small screws into wood or for pilot holes. Which indicates that cordless screwdrivers are not as powerful as drill drivers and impact drivers.

·     They lack the power to drill large holes. Cordless screwdrivers can be used for pilot holes but not more than that.

Things to Consider Before Purchase

Before you make your purchase you should take a few things into consideration to know which cordless screwdriver will be best suited to your needs and the application you require it for.


First thing you need to consider while buying a cordless screwdriver is the speed of it. Each screwdriver has its minimum to maximum RPM like Bosch IXO V cordless screwdriver. The screwdrivers with maximum speed have low torque potential.

Torque potential

Torque of a screwdriver determines its range. A screwdriver with lower torque potential can only do lightweight work like and for industrial applications screwdrivers with high torque potential are required.


The variety of screw sizes and drives can be obtained by changing the bits of the screwdriver that come along with it and are used for a variety of applications.


You need to observe carefully in order to know exactly what type of cordless screwdriver you need. Some have different measuring accuracy methods while others have built-in transducers.

Additional Accessories

To keep your screwdrivers well maintained you may need some additional accessories. These accessories might include things like positioning systems, torque arms, signal towers etc. these type of accessories can add more quality to the screwdriver and assure safety like BoschIXO V Cordless screwdriver.

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